Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Examples of Blogging in Education

A couple of examples of the use of blogging in education would be the two websites: edublogs.org and Wordpress.com. Edublogs tends to be used in a more educated sense and is addressed more towards a teacher/student interaction, in particular high school and college. Wordpress is more of a general type of blog and not necessarily aimed at education, however I know of a couple of college English classes that use the blog to reflect on certain classes or to bounce ideas off of each other for a paper topic.  In the English class that is my example, there are usually small comments made by the classmates if they have any general suggestions or if they think that the topic or the reflection is interesting.  As I am more familiar with Wordpress, I am able to give better examples of how this is used as opposed to Edublog.

As a student of education, and being from the generation in which technology is a vital part of our daily lives, I will more than likely be using blogs in order to communicate with my students better because as the years go on, the number of students that are going to use technology will only go up.  I think that the use of blogs in teaching can and will be an important aspect of teaching as time goes on.

1 comment:

  1. I looked up edublogs.org and I found it to be a great source of information! thank you!!
